We put you in touch with other musicians and bands.
Sesyjni.pl was created by musicians for musicians to help you match with other fellows and rock the music world. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or professional - we will help you find exactly what you need.
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Fill your profile to help the other musicans get to know you.
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Find yourself a band/bandmate and rock on!
1,2,3 easy steps!
Find out everything you need to know and more about how our website works.
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Add ProfileWhat should I type in my profile info?
Remember that your profile is like a business card. Fill it with data, that will help others see what you are all about. :)
How much does it cost?
Our services are 100% free and our profit is focused on advertising.
How can I contact others?
When you will find a match you searched for, you can simply use a built-in messenger to push things further. Fingers crossed for you guys!
Is my personal data safe?
We do not share any of your user information with other partners. All the profile data is used for the website function purposes only.